EDDM (Every Door Direct Mail)

EDDM Routes

Selection Tool

  • We only need the
  • zipcode-carrier number
  • And the type of addresses
  • Residential or
  • Residential+Commercial

Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) has the lowest cost per contact for reaching ALL the people in the selected area/route. It uses a simplified way of addressing were all the pieces are the same, thus saving on the printing cost.


Some of the advantages of the EDDM are:

  1. Lowest cost per contact.
  2. The size of the marketing piece can be large without increasing postage cost.

Some of the disadvantages of the EDDM are:

  1. Cannot personalize the marketing piece.
  2. Cannot do targeted/segmented mailings as a whole route has to be mailed.

Our direct mailing services are performed with state of the art mailing processing and composition software to comply with US Postal Services requirements. As a matter of fact we are what the US Postal Service calls a “Full Service” Mailer.

Service Scope
  1. Designed EDDM Postcard/Brochure can be provided by customer or if preferred, we can create the EDDM Postcard/Brochure design for you through our Graphic Design Services.
  2. Customer must provide the target routes (Zip Code and Carrier Route Identification) which can be selected on US Postal Service EDDM Portal. In addition, the customer has to define if the EDDM piece is going to go to Residential addresses Only or to Business & Residential addresses.
  3. High quality EDDM Postcard/Brochure printing.
  4. Marketing Mail EDDM Postage is included.
  5. EDDM Preparation according to US Postal Service requirements.
  6. Delivery to the US Postal Service Royal Palm General Mail Facility for final distribution.
US Postal Service Requirements

If mailing contains confidential information (statements, invoices or personal information) the US Postal Service requires First-Class Postage for these cases.

The US Postal Service requires a minimum of 1 (one) carrier route.

Minimum dimensions: 10.5" long OR 6.125" height OR 0.25" thick. The mail piece cannot be more than 15" long, 12" high and 0.75" thick. The minimum height and width are 3.5" and the minimum thickness is 7 pts (0.007").

Current EDDM Postage Rates (per piece)
  Retail (Postal Office of Final Delivery): $0.223
  Local Plant (DSCF): $0.23
  (updated on January 19, 2025).


We have expanded our production facility!

We now offer Roll Up Displays, Banners, Window/Wall/Floor Vinyls, Foamboards, Yard Signs, Stickers/Decals, Posters and Vehicle Graphics.

Call us for next project, we are here to help.


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Did you know that postage is one of the most important cost in a Direct Mailing campaign?

Knowing your customers can enhance your campaign response rates!


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